Project Mexico and More,
For those of you acquainted with Experiential Ministries you know that we, as a ministry, have been all about spiritual formation and creativity. We have been focused on teaching and guiding people into a transformative powerful relationship with the person of Jesus and his Spirit. We have been fairly vocal about not just knowing the written Word of God but coming to a personal, intimate knowledge (heart knowledge) with the living Word, Jesus.
For a long time I have been sensing that there was something missing in the content of this ministry and was not sure what it was. Well God is faithful, patient and kind and at length I have come to realize that if we are walking with Jesus, we will be doing what he did and that means being a servant. We cannot stay within our comfort zone and follow Jesus (read the gospels and see how many times his disciples freaked out). To that end we have decided to partner with Project Mexico, an existing ministry, to begin to round out EM’s ministry menu.
Project Mexico is led by Dan and Michelle Kissel who have been leading teams, for over ten years, south of the border into Mexico, to build houses for the extremely poor. The magic and challenge of what they do is that they build the house (or two) in a weekend. When they arrive on Friday the slab is poured and the materials are delivered. When they leave, Sunday afternoon, there is a home where a shack may have stood before. The last thing they do before they climb in the trucks and cars and head home is have a “key ceremony” where they give the keys to the proud owners and pray a blessing over the house and family. Over the weekend those who go have a chance to serve the family, be a blessing and in the process they are blessed more that I can tell. (We will print their stories later)
This years Project Mexico weekend is May 16th -18th and the team is already full. No more room on the building teams. So…why am I telling you about this? We need your prayers, for protection, health, strength, and that they may be used of God.
We are also currently in conversations to offer our art & creativity experiences at a local church working with the homeless. Stay tuned if you would like smoosh some paint and glue collague with those on the margins of our community. Sometimes all it takes is a listening ear and hearts can begin to heal.
Service it is where Jesus meets our world through us.