Story Telling | Spiritual Stories
Experiential Ministries believes that stories have a way of reaching into the hearts of the listeners. Biblical stories tell of courage, strength, faith and forgiveness. Their stories tell of how God participates in the lives of people and children not unlike you and me. Each of us loves a good story and each of us has a story to tell.
Story telling is one of the oldest creative crafts known to man. The best stories you can tell are your own. The biblical record is full of narratives, stories of the lives of men and woman. This is the narrative of their spiritual journey; maybe it’s time that you wrote your spiritual journey. We can debate theology and doctrine until the cows come home but what God has done in your life, your triumphs and failures, is beyond debate. This is a story that becomes not only a testament to your journey but shows God’s grace, power, mercy, constancy and love.
From your own story to parables, from tales of epic battles to reminiscences of quiet summer afternoons, we love stories because we are living in a story that God is telling. It is the story all about how he is redeeming his creation. We have a part to play, and lines to speak in that epic story. Learn to tell it well.