Experiential Ministries believes that God still speaks to those who take time to listen. Taking day or part of a day to retreat, get apart, embrace silence and solitude with Scripture is a time honored Christian contemplative practice.

In the noise and constant rushing about that makes up our daily lives, regaining control does not require that we do something more but that we do less. Quiet days are days set apart for being quiet and just being present with God. An introduction into the day and Scripture with questions to ruminate upon are provided as an entrance into the experience of being still and listening for God’s voice, his pull on your heart, simply the warmth of his love and grace.Quiet days can be crafted to meet the needs of your group or for individuals. Experiential Ministries plans to offer regular quiet days each quarter at a park, wilderness area, or arboretum. Check our calendar of contact us to find our when and where.