Spiritual Formation

Experiential Ministries offers resources, instruction, and guidance for your transformative journey with God. We encourage practice of the spiritual disciplines as tools for a transformed life of peace, freedom, and joy.


“Spiritual formation is the progressive patterning of a person’s inner and outer life according to the image of Christ through intentional means of spiritual growth.”We live in a time where having the right answers is enough for most people. Believing in the answers seems optional. It is easy to memorize scripture, profess correct doctrine, and live a life indistinguishable from the rest of the world. Spiritual formation involves not just knowing the right answers but knowing and being known by the Truth, Jesus. Some of the “intentional means of spiritual growth” are know as spiritual disciplines. The Disciplines are, “any activity within our power that we engage in to enable us to do what we cannot do by direct effort.”

Spiritual Disciplines include: Christian Meditation, Prayer, Fasting, Study, Simplicity, Solitude & silence, Submission, Service, Confession, Guidance, Celebration.

These are the tools for life transformation; EM is equipped to join with individuals and groups as guides into the practice of the spiritual disciplines.